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大学時代にアメリカ(4ヶ月)、フィリピン(2ヶ月)、オーストラリア(1年)へ留学し、大学卒業後、英会話スクールで講師として3年間勤務しました。その後、2021年にカナダへ渡航し、永住権を取得。現在バンクーバーに滞在しています。趣味は読書、筋トレ、料理、と様々ですが最近はピアノにはまっています。英語が小さい頃から大好きで、自分自身もずっと英会話スクールに通ってきました。人に何かを教えるということが得意で、大学時代は、塾の講師や、オンライン英会話講師としても活躍してきました。英語を学ぶことは楽しいということをレッスンを通して感じていただけたらと思います♪Hello everyone. I’m Po…
こんにちは! I am teacher AMAYA and I'm glad to have met you! I graduated with Latin honors (Magna Cum Laude) and am currently a registered nurse in the Philippines. I like interacting and chatting with new people and I'd be very glad to accommodate you in my class!As a nurse, It is in my nature that I li…
Hello! I am Teacher Jez and I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies. In this course, I learned about the different kinds of literature from other countries in the world and at the same time, I also got to learn about each culture. However, I discovered my passion for tea…
Introduction:Salutations! My name is Hunter, and I am from the countryside in America. I am just a goofy guy that is passionate about language learning. I have a wide array of interests starting with sight seeing, video editing, photography, coding, and of course my all-time favorite, video games!I …
*スケジュール公開ですがおおよそですが月始め、月半ばにスケジュールを公開していっております。ただいま12月14日までのレッスンスケジュールを公開しております。レッスン可能日を追加することもありますので手数おかけしますが再度ご確認いただけますとありがたく存じます。勝手を言い申し訳ありませんが宜しくお願い致します。 みなさま初めまして!この度は私のプロフィールを見ていただき本当にありがとうございます。講師のTommy(トミー)です。私のレッスンですがあくまでもコミュニケーションが第一だと考えておりますので細かいところや間違いはお気になさらずどんどん英語を使って表現していただけたらと思っております…
Hello, I'm Ava, and I'm delighted to be your English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher. I'm excited about this opportunity to share my English expertise with you. In my classes, your active participation and input are not just welcome, but highly encouraged. I want to know what aspects of English y…
Good day to you all. My name is Ramon Antonio Navarro, but please call me Tony. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm very happy to have the opportunity to teach English to you. I have been teaching English online to many Japanese students for over thirty years. I specialize in teaching conversational En…
Greetings! My name is Connie, from Cebu City, Philippines. I've been happily teaching English learners for 16 years now and counting since 2007. On that account, I know how to adapt my classes with my students' needs. I'm patient and an active listener to my students. When they get disheartened with…
【フィリピンオフィス】Hello there! I'm Nica, and I have a deep passion for helping students master the English language. I've taught 460 lessons, and still counting — which has given me wonderful experience. I've worked with school students a lot, and that helped me become really good at guiding younger learne…
【日本<沖縄>在住】 Hello there! I am Teacher Bea and I lived in Okinawa, Japan for a year and now currently living in Germany. I'm quite friendly and outgoing because I like meeting new people. I've been working with a wide range of learners for many years at various levels. I've been recognized for my abil…
【フィリピンオフィス】Hello there! I am Teacher Thea. It is my pleasure to be your enthusiastic English teacher, who will guide you on your journey to becoming a more proficient English speaker. Let me share with you some interesting facts about me. I am a creative and curious person. I enjoy creative writing,…
Hello, my name is Ryu Miyamoto, but everyone calls me Ryu Sensei. I am American, 57 years old and have lived in Japan for over 30 years. My hobby is learning languages and I know the difficulties in learning a new language. During my time in Japan, I have taught over a thousand people from young chi…
Hello there! I'm Teacher Shannon but you can just call me Shannon. I'm a very friendly and cheerful person. It is really exciting for me to learn from different people through talking with them and this is what makes teaching really interesting. I also love learning different languages and cultures.…
Hello, everyone!皆様、はじめまして!Yorikoです。初めての出会いは緊張しますね。さらに慣れない外国語を見知らぬ講師から学ぶとなると、かなり勇気がいることです。これから少しでもそのはじめの一歩が気軽にできるように自己紹介させて頂きます。《Self Introduction 自己紹介》日本生まれ日本(関西)育ちです。英語との出会いは中学生になってからです。英語学習が大好きです。きっかけは中学の英語の先生が赤いフェルトで作った舌を手にはめてRの発音を教える姿を見た時です。わあ!なんや英語って楽しいなあ!ととても感激したことが無類の英語好きになるきっかけです。その後外国語大学(英語…
Hello everyone!I am Teacher Ali. I have a bachelor’s degree in English Studies and in History, as well as a Postgraduate Certificate in Education. I am a fully qualified high school English teacher. I am a teacher at a high school where I teach English as a Home Language (native level). I have also …
☆全国の小学生、中学生、高校生のみなさん向けに学校の授業に沿った先取りレッスン、中学、高校、大学の受験対策、英検は準一級までお任せください。一緒に楽くレッスンしましょう(^^)また子どもさんからご年配の方にも楽しめるパワーポイントクイズ、聞き取りクイズなどもご用意していますのでぜひ、遊びに来てください!どんどん話す瞬間英作文のテキストを使って中学校の文法を一から学び直しながら、思った事をどんどん英作して言う練習もとても人気のレッスンです!Please come to my lesson and have fun!!!☆Hi.はじめまして。講師のReikoです。先ずは自己紹介をさせてください。産…
Hello! My name is Eloise, please call me Elley. I am a 34-year-old mother of three from Johannesburg, South Africa. I own a small tutoring business, which I started in 2014. I teach English, Afrikaans and Mathematics extra classes to young students. I have traveled to about 14 countries and have a l…