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はじめまして。えるざ(elza)と申します。主に入門~中級レベルの生徒さんを対象にしています。楽しいから続けられる、気が付いたら分かるようになっていた!を目指しています。申し訳ございませんが小学生以下の生徒さんには対応していません。社会に出てからずっと英語を使う仕事をしてきました。英会話講師を14年ほど勤めた後に翻訳の勉強をし、技術翻訳、字幕翻訳、出版翻訳、およびいくつかの事業所において通訳業務に携わりました。翻訳を始めたことで一旦は英語を教える仕事を辞めたのですが、色々な方から教えて欲しいという依頼を受け、現在はGoogle Search Quality Raterとして業務を行う傍らで地元…
Introduction:Salutations! My name is Hunter, and I am from the countryside in America. I am just a goofy guy that is passionate about language learning. I have a wide array of interests starting with sight seeing, video editing, photography, coding, and of course my all-time favorite, video games!I …
【フィリピンオフィス】Hello there! I'm Nica, and I have a deep passion for helping students master the English language. I've taught 460 lessons, and still counting — which has given me wonderful experience. I've worked with school students a lot, and that helped me become really good at guiding younger learne…
Hello there! I am Teacher Ciara. I have a varied experience in ESL teaching, and I’ve worked with diverse learners for four years. My background includes planning and delivering lessons to children and adults. In my class, I make sure that students feel heard and understood. I teach in a manner that…
【フィリピンオフィス】Hello there! I am Teacher Thea. It is my pleasure to be your enthusiastic English teacher, who will guide you on your journey to becoming a more proficient English speaker. Let me share with you some interesting facts about me. I am a creative and curious person. I enjoy creative writing,…
Hello! My name is Chris. I am residing in Japan and this country has been my home for almost 20 years. I was born and raised in the Philippines from a British father and a Filipino- Japanese mother. Growing up, my family used English as our main language in our household as my father wanted us to be…
Hi! I am Teacher Cora. I love watching movies and cooking different kinds of food. I also love nature, the reason why I am amazed how beautiful Japan is. I had lived in Japan for more than 20 years before I decided to come back here in the Philippines for good.I have been teaching English as a secon…
はじめまして!会話力のベースになる文法の学習はとても大切です。たくさん覚えるのではなく、少しずつ「使えるパターン」を増やしましょう。これは実体験から言えることなのですが、英語は基本をマスターすればどんどん話せるようになります。勉強を続けても上手く話せないという方は、基礎が曖昧なままがむしゃらに勉強していませんか?まずはしっかり基本をマスターしましょう。効果的な復習方法をアドバイスしますが、やるかやらないかは本人次第!英語を話せるようになる人は皆やっている方法です。■自己紹介 20歳の時、ワーキングホリデー制度を使って僅かな貯金と片道航空券を手に単身オーストラリアに渡りました。この時英語は全く話…
Hi! I’m Veron. I have a double-degree in International Studies, major in Japan Studies and Marketing Management. Proficiency in English made me an effective communicator which opened many doors of opportunities for me.As a result, I’m now a digital marketing supervisor for a health and wellness corp…
Hello there! I am Teacher Kira. I am a cheerful person. I love watching Korean series and movies and practicing hand calligraphy during my free time. I also like learning different cultures and it gives me joy and excitement meeting students around the world that’s why I am interested in teaching st…
Hello! My name is Eloise, please call me Elley. I am a 34-year-old mother of three from Johannesburg, South Africa. I own a small tutoring business, which I started in 2014. I teach English, Afrikaans and Mathematics extra classes to young students. I have traveled to about 14 countries and have a l…
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